Principal's Welcome Message
Welcome to St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School
It is my distinct honour and sincere pleasure to address you as the Principal of St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School. What a privilege it has been to serve in this vibrant community and to collaborate in rebuilding our school mission and vision together. As a school community, we have embraced this year’s Catholic Education Week theme: We are Called to Love/Appeles a aimer.
I would like to take the opportunity to wish everyone a happy and safe return to school and extend a warm welcome to all the new families joining our school community. St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School is a safe, inclusive, and welcoming school committed to the Each Belongs philosophy and the belief that every child is created in God’s image and can reach their full potential.
As a community, and builders of community, we celebrate all learning and growth. Rooted in Restorative Practices, we support the Catholic Vision of bringing together the world we live in and the Faith we live by. Through Christ’s example, we will strive to love one another, appreciate and accept everyone’s unique talents and differences, and approach each day with an attitude of gratitude. We take comfort in the belief that we have a Saviour and our ability to nurture hope is reflected in our daily pledge:
Today at St. Joseph School, I promise to be honest and hard-working. I will respect the feelings, the ideas and the diversity of others. I pledge to be an example to everyone as Jesus is to me.
The wonderful staff at St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School is caring, supportive, and dedicated to helping students meet success aligned with the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations. We believe in teaching students to think independently and rationally so that they may become responsible citizens, and life-long learners who display strong stewardship towards the earth, and who are champions of social justice.
May we always be reminded of Pope Francis’ words when we are faced with challenges: “Do not lose hope; St. Joseph also experienced moments of difficulty, but he never lost faith and was able to overcome them, in the certainty that God never abandons us,” and may our patron saint continue to guide us as we learn, grow, and succeed.
Be kind, be safe, and be your best!
Peace and blessings,
Mrs. T. Kubiak